Acid Regeneration Calculator

This calculator should enable an initial estimate of the regeneration capacity required for pickling carbon steel. KON Chemical Solutions is naturally available any time to provide a more in depth analysis of your needs.

Please insert the following parameters from your pickling production: Yearly tonnage, average pickling loss, iron loading in the spent acid and desired availability. The tool will deliver an initial estimation for the capacity of the required plant.

Additionally, the two graphics demonstrate the effects of availability and the iron loading of the spent acid on the required plant capacity. These calculations assume that the pickling loss and yearly tonnage remain unchanged.

from 1 to 3.000.000
from 0,01 to 5,00
from 85 to 140
from 5.500 to 8.500


This calculation tool is carefully calibrated according to standard models. The purpose of this tool is to provide an initial orientation. We do not accept any liability in the case of inaccurate results arising from the use of this tool.