Molar Mass Calculator
The MolMass Calculator provides the molar mass for chemical compounds.
Please ensure the proper case of the letters in the element name.
Example 1: For Sodium Chloride "NaCl" please insert "NaCl" (and not "NACL")
Example 2: For carbon dioxide please insert "CO2" in the box
Example 3: For "C24H16N3NaO6S" please insert "C24H16N3NaO6S" in the box
Example 4: For "Fe(OH)3" please insert "Fe(OH)3" in the box
Example 5: For "(NH4)2S" please insert "(NH4)2S" in the box
Example 6: For magnesium chloride hexahydrate "MgCl2.6H2O" please insert "MgCl2.6H2O" in the box
Example 7: Only one parenthesis could be considered. Please insert "Pt(Fe(CN)6)2" as "PtFe2(CN)12"
All results will provide you with the molar mass of the chemical compound as well as the proportion of the respective elements.