Certificates / Memberships
Austrian Association of Consulting Engineers
Member of the Austrian Association of Consulting Engineers referred to Gewerbeordnung 1994 (trade, service and industrial code), §§ 94 and 134.
Graduate qualifying examination at the following areas of expertise
- Chemical engineering
- Process engineering
- Industrial engineering and management
Hauptverband der Allgemein beeideten und gerichtlich zertifizierten Sachverständigen Österreichs (Association of Austrian Court Surveyors)
Mr. DI Dr. David Konlechner is member of the Hauptverband der Allgemein beeideten und gerichtlich zertifizierten Sachverständigen Österreichs (Association of Austrian Court Surveyors) referred to Sachverständigen- und Dolmetschergesetz SDG (Expert and Interpreter Law).
Mr. DI Dr. David Konlechner is certified at the following areas of expertise according the code of the Austrian Court Surveyor Association. He is also registered at the court-appointed experts list (www.sdgliste.justiz.gv.at).
- 51.08 Chemische Verfahrenstechnik (chemical process engineering) (valid until: 19.12.2024)
- 60.57 Maschinen, Anlagen für chemisch-technische Bearbeitungen (machines and equipment for chemical-technical processing) (valid until: 19.12.2024)
- 60.97 Technisch-kommerzielle Bewertung von Maschinen, Anlagen, Geräten, Instrumenten (technical and commercial evaluation of machinery, equipment, devices, instruments) (valid until: 19.12.2024)